Jioda Ornella Soared into the ranks of Continental level female leaders!ICAD was fully represented at the symposium organized by the African Women Leadership Organisation (AWLO), which took place on August 22nd 2020 at Djeuga palace, Yaounde – Cameroon under the...
L’environnement est connu comme tout ce qui nous entoure incluant l’air, l’eau, la faune, la flore et le sol. Aussi pour une paix intérieure et son bien être, l’homme doit vivre en harmonie avec son environnement. Raison pour laquelle en date du 05 Juin 2020, a été...
Share on facebook Facebook Share on google Google+ Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn The Quality Officer – Matoh Rasheal Soaring high in Ghana. Khan Rasheal Matoh who is in charge of Quality and Audits in ICAD Enterprise and at thesame time the...
An act of superfluous generosity to ensure a common future! Basically, real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present. How can we truly deliver a common future without upholding the present? These are surely the thoughts that animated two...
Winners from Lycee Classique Dschang! presented in front of a mammoth crowd. Kamwa Joelle and Dauoda Bisou all of 1ere C (Lower sixth) along side Tse Valery (English Teacher in Lycee Classique Dschang and one of the award winners in the University category), were at...